Tell the Truth: Who's that Little Lady?


I’m Shaneka, a self-proclaimed free-spirited introvert who loves teaching teeny-tiny humans, traveling, dancing, skating, cooking, capturing moments with my instant camera, and occasionally writing from the depths of my BIG soul. I’m a thinker, a constant one and my mind is art. “Little Lady” is what my mother, bless her magnanimous soul, would call me especially when I dressed up. “Where are you going dressed like a little lady?” she would often say while batting her eyes and throwing up her pinky, mimicking those considered proper. Since her passing, life has served me a whirlwind of blessings, changes, and challenges but despite it all, I’ve tried best to roll with the punches and “keep on keeping on,” as she would say.  

I’ve learned there’s beauty in brokenness and healing power in storytelling. Telling my truth, appreciating life to its fullest, and interacting with other beings with honest intent is one of my greatest desires. I want healing so I’ve decided to tell my stories. On the brink of fear, self-doubt, and even hatred, the ten-year-old little girl inside of me wants to let it all out, let it all go, and live happily and free, again. Not that I’m not happy or free, but I want to intentionally feel and be consistently. Despite my uplifting posts on social media, my ability to smile even when there isn’t a genuine desire, depression lurks and looms. Sometimes, I struggle. Sometimes longer than I’d like to bare. I’ve felt stuck lately. Stuck in negative self-talk, thoughts, and memories of my past. There’s only one solution. I’ve got to get it out. So, I decided to start this blog as a sacred, creative, and honest space. Though the genesis of this blog isn’t masked with perfection, the happiest or peppiest tales, I hope that you’re positively impacted through each post and every glimpse of my soul.

Little Lady Soul is a personal blog created to share personal stories and interests. I don’t really have a “niche” that I’ll primarily focus on yet but much like life, change is inevitable. For now, I’d like to share my inner thoughts, adventures, and appreciation for the little things that gleefully excite me like Big K.R.I.T’s new album,  Maybelline’s Master Precise Skinny™ Gel Pencil, or my recent aha moments experienced when speaking to an older gentleman in the museum I visited. As my mother would say, where there’s a will, there’s a way. I’m willing to write, share, and most of all, heal.

Feeling Free,

Ro’s Little Lady