I met Ruth during our undergraduates studies at FAU. Hoot, hoot! We both were completing the Teacher Preparation program and interned at the same school, one classroom apart. We both had vast experiences but remained each other’s support system and source of strength during the hectic time. We made it and I couldn’t be happier to still have Ruth in my life. Ruth, you are a superwoman in my eyes, a SHEro, and someone I admire dearly. You’re an amazing wife, mother, teacher, sister, daughter, friend, and BOSS. Ruth owns Mamma’s Boys Lasagna and currently serves the South Florida area. Today, I celebrate you. Thanks for the gift of genuine friendship. Thank you for being so caring and kind. Thank you for being a gentle soul in a cruel, crazy world. You are amazing and the epitome of a virtuous woman.
Grateful. Thankful. Blessed.
Ro’s Little Lady